Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Decline of the Set Top Box Market

Set Top Box is a device that converts video content to analog or digital tv signals. For a long time, the set-top box was the cable box that sat on top of the tv. Although, TVs are now pretty slim and don't have flat space for a set-top box to rest on but still the name continues. 

A satellite tv set-top box is officially a satellite receiver, and the box that converts over-the-air digital broadcasts to analog for old TVs is a converter. 

Apple TV, fire tv, and android tv boxes connect to the home network for internet access and convert video from Netflix, Hulu, and other providers into TV signals. These media hubs go by many names and may accept local content from the home network as well.  

Although time has evolved and consumers are shifting from set-top boxes, the market still has some potential as it is been growing and is expected to grow further. According to a report by Astute Analytica, the Set-Top Box Market is doing decently well and is expected to register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 2.9% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031.  

The reason for this growth is people from rural areas around the globe are still upgrading to set-top boxes for the first time. But the people residing in urban areas have almost upgraded from set-top boxes to smart tv and smart hubs. This shows that after a decade or so, the market for set-top boxes may collapse.

Set-Top Box Market

Reason for Dying 

There are several reasons behind the death of the set-top industry which pulls us to the listed down points.  

  • A surge in the number of streaming services, taking Netflix as an example. Netflix is the biggest on-demand streaming platform in the world and as of now, Netflix has over 214 million users across the globe. Meanwhile, cable TV service providers are losing millions of subscribers each year.  
  • Streaming is All about Mobility, Flexibility & Convenience, streaming services win at accessibility. Users can now stream any show on smartphones and watch it anywhere through the Internet. Old school Cable TV is not that flexible. Without a cord, your cable TV service won't work. 
  • Streaming platforms are more intuitive, knowing that you can skip the ads. Search and play the content you want to watch. Rewind, forward or pause. Unfortunately, cable tv service providers can't offer the same and can't make it as flexible as streaming platforms are.  

Limitations of Set Top Box 

There are a few disadvantages of set-top boxes which include, 

  • Changing the service provider is not easy as the user has to pay the additional cost to buy a new Set Top Box from the new service provider. 
  • One of the major problems for the subscribers of the Direct-to-Home service is unable to view any channel during heavy rains due to weak signals. 

Although the set-top box and the industry is pretty good when it comes to technological aspects, it lacks the current user demands. Also, the set-top boxes aren't keeping up with the competition's offerings. This will result in the market decline in the future. If the industry doesn't come up with something better, it may die soon.  

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Things Everyone Needs to Know to Start Online Retail

Online retail is a type of eCommerce platform where any business sells its goods or services directly to consumers or a business from a website. The website may be their own, or it may be owned by a larger retailer or marketplace like Amazon or Flipkart. 

Online retail and brick-and-mortar retail are similar concepts. This gives an idea about online retail and its working. It's like a consumer entering the store, searching through the inventory of products or figuring out the service, and then paying for their goods or service at checkout. It's just that online retail takes place over the Internet while brick-and-mortar is done in person at the store. 

The benefits the retail market comes with like providing service twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, a readily available market, and low setup & operating costs is pushing the business owners and the service providers to retail online.  

The above-mentioned points and the benefits of online retail to both the retailer and the consumer have been the primary reason for the growth of the global online retail market. According to a research report by Astute Analytica, the Global Online Retail Market will register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 10% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031.

Online Retail Market

Steps to Build Online Retail 

  • Pick an industry 
Take the time to know which preferred industry one should want to do online retail and build space in the pool of competition. Once one is sure about that it means now the retailer knows the sector in which serving will be fruitful for that retailer.  

  • Pick a product 
Once the retailer has a clear picture of the target sector, the retailer needs to land on the specific product, the product retailer is interested in selling. Landing with a product that has active demand, a breachable market, and viable logistics will help retailers grow faster. Offering needs to be producible at scale, and it has to be financially feasible for the retailer to produce and distribute it consistently. 

  • Contact suppliers 
Whether the retailer chooses to sell other people's products or create its own, still a lot of work is there with vendors and suppliers. Determine what's most important to the retailer before researching and contacting vendors. 

Maybe the number one concern is keeping prices low. Well, if that's the case, the retailer will have to find the cheapest supplier. Maybe the consumer's focus is on quality then the retailer needs to find the absolute best supplies you can.  

  • Create brand 
Now, it's time to get creative. The best product in the world won't make profits or lead to sales if no one knows about it. The brand will communicate about the brand, what retailers are doing for customers, and what the brand stands for. 

If retailers have available funding, now's a great time to consult a branding expert who can help develop your company the right way. They will work with the retailer to create a company name, a logo, the look of branding, and the packaging for the products. 

  • Set up a website and shopping cart 
Unlike a conventional brick-and-mortar storefront, the online website will have to have a way to accept orders and take money. This is an online shopping cart and has several options that can be installed on the retailer's website, like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. 

Genome Testing: Everything About It!

Genetic testing may also be called DNA testing. It's a type of test that can identify changes in the genes, chromosomes, or proteins in the human body. Genetic testing takes a sample of blood, skin, hair, tissue, or amniotic fluid. 

The test may be able to confirm or rule out if a person has a genetic condition. It may also help determine your chances of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. 

Genetic testing looks for changes in your genes, chromosomes, and proteins. DNA tests can give lots of information about the genes that make up who humans are. They can confirm if an individual has or doesn't have a specific disease. 

Genome Testing can determine if a person has a higher risk of developing certain conditions. And they can find out if an individual carries a specific mutated gene that one can pass to their child. 

The above-listed applications have created a crucial space for genome testing in today's era as the disease types and severity have leaped. This led to the growth of this market. According to a research report by Astute Analytica, the Genomic Testing Market will register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 9.54% during the forecast period 2023-2031.

Genomic Testing Market

Working Of Genome Testing
Nearly every cell in your body contains DNA, genes, and chromosomes. Each serves a specific and interrelated function: 

  • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double-stranded molecule that contains all the genetic information about you as an individual. The unique sequence of these substances provides the programming code for your body. 
  • A Gene is a distinct portion of DNA that contains coded instructions on how and when to build specific proteins. Any flaws in its DNA coding can affect how those instructions are delivered. These flaws are referred to as genetic mutations. 
  • A Chromosome is a bundled unit of genes. Every human has 46 genes, 23 of which are inherited from the mother and father, respectively. Each chromosome contains between 20,000 to 25,000 genes. 
In recent years, advances in technology and a broader understanding of the human genome have allowed scientists to pinpoint which mutations confer certain illnesses or characteristics.

Types of Genome Testing 

  • Newborn screening:
    Newborn screening is done just after birth to identify genetic disorders that can be treated early in life. For example, every baby in the UK is tested for cystic fibrosis as part of the heel prick test. 
  • Diagnostic testing:
    Diagnostic testing is used to identify or rule out a specific genetic disorder if a baby or person has symptoms to suggest a certain genetic disorder (for example, Down's syndrome). 
  • Carrier testing:
    Carrier testing is used to identify people who carry one copy of a gene mutation that, when present in two copies, causes a genetic disorder. This type of test can be useful to provide information about a couple's risk of having a child with a genetic disorder.
  • Prenatal testing:
    Before birth testing is used to detect changes in an unborn baby's genes. This type of testing is offered during pregnancy if there is an increased risk that the baby will have a genetic or chromosomal disorder.  
  • Pre-implantation testing:
    Pre-implantation genetic testing is available for couples who are at risk of having a child with a specific genetic or chromosome disorder.  
  • Predictive testing:
    Predictive testing is used to detect genetic mutations associated with disorders that appear after birth, often later in life. These tests can be helpful to people who have a family member with a genetic disorder but who have no features of the disorder themselves at the time of testing.  

Data Storage Reshaping The Healthcare Sector?

Data analytics is the major driving key factor behind modern innovation, revolutionizing the way people track statistics and vitals. Analyzing and understanding the petabytes of data has been important for businesses in every industry to become more productive and efficient.


One of the key areas where data storage is making major transformations is the healthcare sector. With an ever-expanding population, increasing average human life span, rapidly changing models of treatment delivery, the necessity to manage patient care, and innovation in healthcare technologies, the demand for data storage analytics in healthcare has advanced over the years.

The use of data storage has hugely benefited the healthcare sector which is driving the Global Healthcare Data Storage Market. According to a research report by Astute Analytica, the market will register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth rate) of 14.6% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031.

Many industries these days are as data-driven as medicine and too for a good reason. Healthcare corporations depend on reliable, efficient access to patient records to make diagnoses and provide high-quality care. This data takes a variety of formats, from demographic information and clinical notes to lab tests and medical imaging, and is truly massive in scope.

Healthcare Data Storage Market

How Is Data Storage Helping Healthcare Providers?

  • Advanced Disease Management: Expanding knowledge and understanding of various diseases utilizing data-driven medical research can result in the discovery of new treatments and medicines for faster disease management. Machine learning allows data storage to study the genome to study the nature of some of the dangerous diseases and then develop and test corresponding treatments. Moreover, data-driven genetic information and predictive analysis can play a pivotal role in the development of forward-thinking therapies, prevent pandemics, and save lives.
  • Telemedicine:
    Smart devices are the future of telemedicine and they rely on data storage. The Internet of medical things and cloud health information systems signify possible health problems and real-time data on vital patient measurements such as blood pressure and heart rate, therefore keeping the high-risk patients out of the hospitals, cutting down costs, and allowing patients to live healthy lives.  
  • Improved Patient Engagement: Patient disengagement can lead to serious health conditions; therefore, healthcare providers are utilizing data storage analytics to gain valuable insights for better engagement strategies. Health literacy is an important part of patient engagement, which can help supplement patient knowledge of their conditions to make them aware of their responsibilities and risks. 
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: Data storage analytics helps in reducing healthcare costs. The precise diagnosis enables healthcare providers to make informed decisions and formulate the best treatment regimens in real time. Utilizing data analytics, clinicians and clinical pharmacists can co-manage drug therapies in real-time and assess the possible side effects, additive toxicities, and drug interactions for better Medication Therapy Management (MTM), which would ultimately lead to reduced healthcare costs. 
  • Tracking Patient Health and Identifying Risks:
    Data storage analytics along with the Internet of Things (IoT) enables researchers and healthcare providers to visualize a patient's overall health profile throughout their life. Identifying potential health problems and risks at an earlier stage by continuously monitoring the body vitals with sensor data collection can help to improve patients' health and allow hospitals to predict future admissions trends, plan resource allocation utilizing online data visualization, and improve overall patient care.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Impact of Health Awareness in Sports Nutrition

The fitness industry has seen a tremendous change recently, which has raised awareness of the significance of sports nutrition. These products, which are frequently eaten by athletes, bodybuilders, and weightlifters, include protein powder, sports drinks, supplements, protein bars, creatine, and performance enhancers. In response to these new trends, there has been a significant expansion in the sports nutrition market.

According to Astute Analytica's findings, the Sports Nutrition Market has grown to record-high levels of revenue, with a stunning compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8 percent between 2022 and 2030. This information highlights the market for sports nutrition's notable upward trajectory and rising demand.

Sports Nutrition Market

Problem Of Obesity
The sales and expansion of the sports nutrition industry have been significantly impacted by young people's increased fitness awareness. Over 1.9 billion people, or more than 39% of the world's population, are categorised as overweight, according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), posing a serious threat to the health of the entire population. Additionally, 13% of the world's population is considered to be obese.

The United States is a good example because obesity there has been a major problem for many years, and despite efforts, little progress has been made. In the United States, roughly one in three people are considered overweight, and two out of every five people are considered obese. According to this, 42.4% of the population is considered obese, compared to 30.7% who are overweight.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred in 2021, brought about important changes and raised public awareness of the value of fitness and the health problems connected with obesity. People are prioritizing their fitness and taking preventative action to address the health issues related to obesity as a result of this increased awareness.

Awareness Of Fitness and Nutritional Intake
As people become more aware of their fitness, there has been a good change in recent years toward exercise and routines. This behavioral shift has increased the use of sports nutrition products, which is fueling the expansion of the sports nutrition industry.

In order to improve their physical performance, many people turn to protein powder, bars, and supplements. But it's important to remember that even if these goods show a rise in fitness awareness, they do have some hazards. Supplements for sports nutrition taken in excess can be harmful to the body, especially to important organs. Increased consumption of sports nutrition supplements has been related to kidney failures as well as issues with the liver and intestines.

Prioritizing physical fitness awareness and the adoption of healthy behaviors in a sustainable way is crucial. Having a healthy body and contributing to a healthy society are worthwhile objectives, but they should be achieved in a way that prioritizes long-term wellbeing and limits possible harm to the body.

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